Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Alex gets to see the factory

 Since we were in the area I stopped by Port Washington and showed Alex where his tractor was made. Emma had already seen it, but that was 6 years ago. So now they have both seen where their tractors came from.

Monday, June 21, 2021

Fathers Day Portrait 2021

 Had to do the 10 year shot of my Simplicity Fathers Day portrait. Had to put the box on the back of the Sovereign and have the kids assume their positions. Fun to see the difference.

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Sovereign helps out with yardwork

 Last weekend with the first load of woodchips I had the kids use 3 of their tractors to help bring them over to where they were needed. Since the drain field is right there I can't haul the trailer over with the van. But for tonight I used the Sovereign to just pull the trailer over and dump the remaining chips where needed. It's always nice to have options!